My Content Pal?

We consistently drive good outcomes, again, and again, and again.

  • B2B Marketing Experts
  • Focused on Results
  • KPIs and Accountability
  • Clear communication
Craig Dewart, CEO & Founder of My Content Pal

Why Work
With Us?

B2B Marketing Experts

Our experience in B2B content sets us apart.

We understand the challenges and opportunities within the B2B landscape, and can tailor our strategies to meet the needs of your business.

We specialise in:

  • Producing targeted content that speaks to your audience.
  • Building topical authority and establishing your brand as a thought leader in your industry.
  • Implementing best practice SEO tactics to increase your online visibility, drive traffic and generate leads.

Focused on Results

We’re driven by delivering measurable results.

We’re not just about creating content, we deliver content that leads to tangible outcomes for your business.

We do this by constantly refining our strategies to keep up with algorithm changes and your industry, ensuring sustained growth for your brand.

KPIs and Accountability

We don’t just deliver you your content and call it a day.
We are dedicated to seeing you succeed, which is why we also track certain metrics to measure success. 

  • Keyword rankings
  • Clicks
  • Impressions
  • Browsing sessions

We’re happy to arrange a call with you to point out some factors on your site that might need changing (because we care) to improve your rankings. 

Our true expertise lies in advising and educating our clients, helping them to develop strategies to succeed in the long term.

Clear communication

All our comms happen on the My Content Pal portal, where we keep you up to date with your order before you have to ask us how it is progressing.

You will receive frequent updates from your dedicated writer on the status of your content – whether it is in the writing phase, proofing process, or completed.

No Shortcuts

At My Content Pal, we understand that true success in SEO and content marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. Here’s why:

Audience Trust: Trust is earned through regular, reliable, and valuable content. Developing meaningful relationships with your audience takes sustained engagement and interaction.

Content Quality: Creating high-quality, in-depth content takes time and effort, which pays off in the long run.

Cumulative Impact: The cumulative effect of content marketing builds over time, resulting in exponential growth rather than immediate results.

Compounding Interest: Content can continue to attract and engage new audiences long after it’s published, compounding its value over time.

Sustainable Growth: Short-term tactics might bring quick wins, but sustainable growth in traffic, engagement, and conversions comes from a marathon approach to content marketing.

At My Content Pal, we don’t believe in shortcuts. We focus on creating high-quality, impactful content that drives sustainable growth over time. With us, you’re investing in a future where your content continuously delivers and scales.

Why Work
For Us?

We only recruit

We don’t care about CVs. We care about individuals who have:

We request that all our candidates do a writing test – it is what you do best after all!

Forget the CV – Do a Writing Test

We do this to check:

  • Can you follow a brief?
  • Can you write in clear, concise language?
  • Can you optimise keywords and implement SEO best practices?

We want to go beyond your qualifications and see what you’re really made of.

What makes an A-player?

We’re not looking for someone with English degrees or Journalism experience, or a person who can type 100 words a minute. 

  • Understands the purpose and value of content, and can tailor their writing to match the search intent of the keyword.
  • Has the ability to strategically integrate keywords into the content, without impacting the flow.
  • Can build relationships with out clients to understand their needs, and deliver content that exceeds expectations.
  • Contributes to the growth of the company by bringing forward ideas.

Our employee
retention strategy

Once we find the best talent in the industry, we want to keep them. We do this by creating a positive, engaging, and challenging (but just the right amount of challenging) work environment where employees can grow and feel like part of a team.

  • Work-life balance:
    Working form home is tough, which is why we offer generous leave, a measure of flexibility, and encourage taking time off and sticking to working hours. Work isn’t life.
  • Continuous learning:
    Our writers don’t just churn out content. They take part and host workshops, have access to masterclasses and can take on additional projects like social media posting, Canva design, newsletter drafting and sharing ideas in weekly huddles.
  • Meaningful work:
    Our SEO manager tracks the metrics of the content we deliver to our clients, so writers can see the results of their work.
  • Positive culture:
    We’re committed to creating a positive and respectful work environment. We share our “wins” with each other and often someone will share a non-work story, question or image to keep everyone connected.
Each pillar is graded out of 9 🙂

Employee testimonials

We can go on and on about our policies, but let’s look at what our employees (current and past) have to say:

We Go To Events

We attended Brighton for 2 years in a row!
Once, we had our own booth where we offered massages out for free 🙂
Life at My Content Pal got pretty busy after that so we haven’t been back.

We’re looking to change that in 2025 but this time focusing more on US events.

We also intend on sponsoring more events too 🙂

Our Thoughts On AI

You can’t escape it, but it also can’t replace humans. Artificial intelligence – or more specifically, algorithmic learning – tools have their place in content creation, but that place is as a researcher, editor and proofreader. Not a writer.

AI can’t replicate the touch of a human – from the storytelling to the SEO optimisation, which is why we have a 0 tolerance for AI content at My Content Pal.

However, we do use AI for:

  • Simplifying difficult concepts
  • Summarising scientific journal articles
  • Helping draft content outlines (and then refining them with own research)
  • Analysing competitor’s content to find gaps
  • Proofreading for spelling and grammar mistakes
  • Improving readability

All content completed by the writing and editing team is run through various AI detection tools before submission to our clients.

Brands and agencies we’ve successfully worked with