There is at least one podcast for every niche imaginable. In the digital marketing industry, there is no shortage of podcasts. But which of these marketing channels best suits your business? Do you need actionable tips and proven growth strategies specific to SaaS? Or maybe your company could benefit from leveraging AI for marketing automation.

This is a list of the best B2B marketing podcasts as of 2024 (in no particular order). In this case, the “best” is not determined by the view count, engagement, ratings or general popularity. There are many creators with valuable insights into B2B marketing whose stats may not reflect the quality of their content.

The podcasts mentioned here will appeal to a wide audience looking to gain knowledge on B2B marketing. 

1. Grow Your B2B SaaS (Previously: Business Growth Show)

how to grow your b2b saas podcast

About the host(s):

Joran Hofman is the founder of Reditus and helps B2B SaaS startups generate a higher volume of monthly recurring revenue.

Joran’s personal experience and struggles with affiliate management tools give him unique first-hand experience and insight into this niche of B2B marketing. Joran conducts interviews with industry experts on all things B2B SaaS.

Podcast listeners can expect to have all their questions answered without even asking them. Grow Your B2B SaaS is ideal for those just starting as well as seasoned marketers who are looking for fresh marketing strategies to help with lead generation and revenue growth.

A B2B marketing podcast worth checking out: How To Grow Your B2B SaaS To 10M ARR? Advice From 20 Experts

The average length of the podcast: Between 20 and 50 minutes

Post frequency: Weekly

Listen to it on: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Reditus

2. Create Like The Greats

create like the greats podcast

About the host(s):

In his own words, Ross Simmonds is “Just a geek who loves to experiment with things”. Ross is the founder and CEO of Foundation Marketing.

The Create Like The Greats podcast features interviews with creators and innovators in the digital marketing sector. These podcasts – with over 100,000+ downloads – are conducted in an investigative and observational manner while remaining quirky and energetic.

Content on Create Like The Greats spans a wide variety of topics such as marketing trends and predictions, AI and prompts for marketers, customer research, marketing frameworks for B2B and budget planning.

A B2B marketing podcast episode worth checking out: Gregory Kennedy on Unlocking B2B Marketing with AI: Navigating New Paradigms

The average length of the podcast: Between 15 minutes and 1 hour

Post frequency: Uploads 3 – 4 podcasts a month on average

Listen to it on: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Tune In | Foundation

3. Exit Five: B2B Marketing With Dave Gerhardt

exit five podcast

About the host(s):

Dave Gerhardt is the founder of Exit Five who began as a Startup Chief Marketing Officer and is a “Top Social Media Marketing Voice” on LinkedIn. Exit Five is a membership-based site geared toward building a successful career in B2B marketing.

This podcast deals with all digital marketing content including demand generation, modern B2B marketing, SEO, social media marketing, strategy and operations. Dave’s podcast features interviews with marketing leaders and CMOs such as Greg Isenberg, Anthony Kennada and Jason Lemkin.

The Exit Five podcast also features conversational pieces with in-house marketers of Dave’s company. Listeners can email questions which will be covered in a future episode. Podcasts are posted weekly – to 300,000 listeners – which allows for the content to be relevant, engaging and in tune with current digital marketing trends and technical updates.

A B2B marketing podcast episode worth checking out: Inside Exit Five | How Edgy Can B2B Social Content Be?

The average length of the podcast: Between 30 minutes and 1 hour

Post frequency: Weekly

Listen to it on: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | ExitFive

4. Breaking B2B

breaking b2b podcast

About the host(s):

Sam Dunning is the founder of Breaking B2B, a web designer, B2B SEO expert and all-around digital marketing specialist.

When the podcast’s tagline is “Break free from sh*t B2B marketing” you know you’re in for a no holds barred approach. Breaking B2B makes you sit up straight, pay attention and take notes. Sam Dunning’s no-BS content and way of commanding attention earned him a spot in the Top 10 B2B Marketing Podcast by Cognism.

His strategic approaches to relevant marketing topics are almost tactfully executed. There is enough context provided without the content becoming fluffy and listeners will leave with solutions and valuable insights into B2B marketing.

These marketing podcasts are uploaded frequently and consist of interviews with marketing leaders like Christopher Rack, Dale Dupree and Tom Hunt. Topics covered include inbound marketing, SEO, B2B growth, GTM strategy, demand generation and revenue operations.

A B2B marketing podcast episode worth checking out: Deadly B2B Startup Marketing Sins

The average length of the podcast: Between 20 minutes and 1 hour

Post frequency: Weekly

Listen to it on: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Breaking B2B

5. Noah Kagan Presents

noah kagan presents podcast

About the host(s):

Noah Kagan likes to make things and eat tacos. His specialities include happiness and the web. To be clear, those are his own words. Officially, Noah is the “Chief Sumo” of AppSumo and has previously worked for Intel, Facebook and Mint.

Noah Kagan’s bio is representative of his podcasts. His content consists of quality interviews with CEOs and digital entrepreneurs interspersed with personal anecdotes. The honesty about the challenges he has faced and the genuine tips he provides make for an engaging, relatable and inspirational listening experience.

Noah strikes a great balance between keeping things entertaining and light-hearted and delivering hard-hitting certifiable advice from industry experts.

A B2B marketing podcast episode worth checking out: Top 5 Lessons From 10,000 Hours Of My Podcast

The average length of the podcast: Between 15 minutes and 2 hours

Post frequency: Weekly

Listen to it on: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Youtube 

6. Diary Of An SEO

diaryofanseo podcast

About the host(s):

Josh Peacock is the CEO and founder of SEO For Hire and splits the hosting with founder and director Craig Dewart. SEO For Hire helps companies optimise their profitability, performance and efficiency by providing them with SEO talent on a global scale.

Between Josh and Craig, there are 10 years of SEO experience, and 3 businesses specialising in driving organic traffic, producing content that converts, recruitment, link building and digital marketing strategies.

Diary of an SEO comprises interviews with SEO professionals and leaders in the marketing industry from companies such as Amazon and ClickUp. Listeners can gain actionable marketing insights into email marketing and the latest trends.

A B2B marketing podcast episode worth checking out: How To Build A Bulletproof Agency In 2024 with Ryan Stewart

The average length of the podcast: Around an hour

Post frequency: Once a month, with increasing frequency in recent months

Listen to it on: Spotify | YouTube

7. Women In B2B Marketing

women in b2b podcast

About the host(s):

Jane Serra has over 15 years of experience in B2B marketing including knowledge of SaaS, marketing agencies and international outsourcing. She also holds a “Top B2B Marketing Strategy Voice” on LinkedIn.

Made by and for women, insightful for all.” In a previously male-dominated industry, sometimes you need to hear from the women leading the charge today. Women now hold 52% of CMO roles. Jane has open discussions with the CMOs, VPs and many other ladies in B2B global marketing.

Women In B2B Marketing focuses on tips, tactics and strategies that inspire listeners. This podcast also serves as a community and support system for women in the industry regardless of where they are in their marketing careers.

A B2B marketing podcast episode worth checking out: How Can Partnerships Drive Sales and Marketing Strategies In B2B? – with Jamie Tharp, Digital Access Program Director at UPS

The average length of the podcast: Around 45 minutes

Post frequency: Bi-weekly

Listen to it on: Spotify | Rephonic  | Apple Podcasts | Women In B2B Marketing

8. Stacking Growth | The B2B Go-To-Market Podcast

stacking growth podcast

About the host(s):

Refine Labs focuses its attention on B2B SaaS companies during their growth stages. They conduct research and build demand strategies using their own campaign results. Refine Labs’ brand marketing manager Steph Crugnola hosts the majority of the podcasts, along with Refine Labs CEO Megan Bowen.

The Stacking Growth podcast is confident in its content on B2B marketing. So confident in fact that they consider it an “unfair competitive advantage”. You can’t say no to that. The guests on their show are equally passionate and get straight to the point.

Apart from growing your business, increasing your marketing knowledge and ensuring customer success, this podcast pays attention to crushing your competition. And even using your competition to your advantage – if you consider AI competition, that is. With such a fierce approach to digital marketing, you can expect some adult language in certain episodes.

A B2B marketing podcast episode worth checking out: Snacks Episode 03: Switching from Lead Gen to Demand Gen

The average length of the podcast: Between 5 minutes and 1 hour

Post frequency: Sporadic. Episodes are uploaded at least twice a week give or take.

Listen to it on: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Pod Bean | Refine Labs 

9. Confessions Of A B2B Entrepreneur

confessions of a b2b entrepreneur podcast

About the host(s):

Tom Hunt‘s LinkedIn byline says ” I have no idea what I’m doing”, but that certainly is not the case. Open about his “failures” and the lessons that he has learnt along the way and incorporates his knowledge into his podcasts.

Tom’s guest list reads like a who’s who of digital marketing. The interviews focus on the unique strategies implemented by the company, tricks and tips that industry leaders have implemented through their own hard lessons in the marketing world. The brutally transparent podcast covers topics such as account-based marketing, email marketing, cold calling, demand generation and personal branding.

A B2B marketing podcast episode worth checking out: B2B Personal Branding Masterclass with Lara Acosta of LA Digital

The average length of the podcast: Around 30 minutes

Post frequency: Weekly

Listen to it on: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | YouTube | Fame

10. Marketing Over Coffee

marketing over coffee podcast

About the host(s):

John J. Wall and Christopher S. Penn host Marketing Over Coffee. John is a partner at Trust Insights with experience in marketing, sales and management. His specialities include copywriting, SEO, SEM, affiliate and Search Marketing and salesforce automation.

Christopher is the co-founder and chief data scientist at Trust Insights. He is an authority on all things technical when it comes to digital marketing including analytics, machine learning and marketing technology.

A marketing podcast with coffee in the title… You’ve got my attention. John and Christopher explore old and new marketing techniques and strategies. As the name of the podcast suggests, you can expect a more casual and laid-back vibe in their approach to the subjects.

But do not be misled by the informality. Each episode has key information about the technological aspects of content marketing, social media platforms and sales strategies and features digital marketing guests such as Simon Sinek.

A B2B marketing podcast episode worth checking out: How Google Works, Building Your Virtual Team and Taking Better Pictures

The average length of the podcast: 20 minutes

Post frequency: Weekly (every Thursday)

Listen to it on Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Marketing Over Coffee

11. Lochhead On Marketing

lochhead on marketing podcast

About the host(s):

Christopher Lochhead was dubbed “one of the best minds in marketing” by The Marketing Journal and a “Top Venture Capital Voice” on LinkedIn.

The Lochhead on Marketing Podcast is an award-winning, chart-topping podcast aimed at entrepreneurs and executives. This high-energy podcast explores so-called “counterintuitive” marketing, category creation and category design strategies.

The weekly podcast examines the strategies and mindsets “required to win” in the digital marketing industry. If strong language is something you’d rather not have in your podcasts, then this one is not for you.

A B2B marketing podcast episode worth checking out: 196 Marketing The Problem, Not Your Solution

The average length of the podcast: Between 10 minutes and 90 minutes

Post frequency: Once a week

Listen to it on: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Lochhead

12. Marketing School

marketing school podcast

About the host(s):

Neil Patel and Eric Siu are co-hosts of the Marketing School podcast. Neil is a New York Times bestselling author and has worked with Amazon, Microsoft, Viacom, NBC, Google and Airbnb. Eric is the founder of Single Grain. This digital marketing agency focuses on driving revenue that is both scalable and predictable, by using platform-based advertising.

If you do not have the time or attention span to listen to an hour-long podcast, The Marketing School podcast is for you. Listeners get daily doses of actionable marketing tips and tactics in 10 to 20 minutes. You can find episodes dedicated to content marketing, SEO trends, conversion optimisation and marketing strategies, to name a few.

With over 2,700 episodes and nearing 100M downloads, you are sure to find an episode suited to your B2B marketing niche. The information is relevant whether you’re an established business or new to the marketing world.

A B2B marketing podcast episode worth checking out: My Favorite Marketing Hack to Get Big Customers, Social Media is Becoming a Democracy, How Sam Sulek Gets Millions of Views and More

The average length of the podcast: 10 – 30 minutes

Post frequency: Daily

Listen to it on Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Marketing School

13. Social Media Marketing Podcast

social media marketing podcast

About the host(s):

Founder of Social Media Examiner, Micheal Stelzner has his roots in marketing and has been paving the way for social media marketers and “helping them navigate the social media jungle”.

The Social Media Marketing Podcast traverses through this ever-evolving digital world of online marketing keeping up with all the latest marketing trends, news and changes. Michael conducts interviews with industry professionals such as Emeric Ernoult and gives an insider look at social media marketing strategies, and hacks for various online platforms.

A B2B marketing podcast episode worth checking out: How To Create A No-Cost B2B Influencer Marketing Program

The average length of the podcast: 45 minutes

Post frequency: Weekly

Listen to it on: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Youtube |  Social Media Examiner

Why You Should Listen To B2B Marketing Podcasts

This list of the best B2B marketing podcasts should have provided you with some insight into this niche listening arena. Companies have so much to gain from listening to these industry experts. And it’s all free! You are getting marketing tactics from those who have been deep in the trenches.

If you are looking into hiring one of the marketing experts, listening to their podcasts serves as a nifty covert screening process. Subscribe to one or all of the podcasts mentioned here and start growing your business. 

For more helpful insights into B2B marketing, SEO, and digital marketing, contact My Content Pal.

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